Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am sure that my wife is cheating on me. She stays out to all hours of the morning, and she keeps telling me about some co-worker of hers named, "Derek". What do I do?

A surefire way to tell that a spouse has started tipping out on you is to listen to their words. When your mate begins to talk incessantly about a person of the opposite sex all the time, your personal antenna and radar should go up. Especially if they are spending lots of unaccounted for time away from home, and the intimacy has began to wane in the bedroom. You need to sit down and have a long talk with your wife. Don't start accusing her, or else she will shut down and all communication will be lost. Instead, open up with this: "I feel like we are growing apart lately. I need to know what I am doing wrong. I want us to have a strong relationship, and I want to know what is lacking. Where do you need me to do better? What do you wish I was doing more or less of?" By taking the blame, you allow her to turn off the defense mechanisms and actually talk to you about her issues. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

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