Monday, November 2, 2009

Wanting More, Receiving Less

It's an epidemic - worse than the swine flu, mad cow disease, or even SARS. It's prevalent in all of America, whether you live in the poorest inner city or the richest zip code of California. This epidemic crosses all racial and cultural barriers.

Women all over the world are getting intimately involved with married men. Think about it. You either are a woman who has been with a married man at some point in your life, you know someone who has been one, or you're a man who is married and sleeping with a woman other than your wife right now!

There are many aspects of surviving an illicit affair, and you can read all about them in my new book, "He Loves Me More, Even Though He's Still Married to HER!" Notes to the Other Woman. For the purposes of this blog, I would like to address one - always wanting more but receiving less.

It's a funny thing - dating a married man. When you first begin flirting with a married man, you begin to demand more and more of his time. During the "honeymoon phase" of your relationship, you may even ask for time, money, vacations, jewelry - hell, most of the time you don't even have to ask. It's provided for you ad nauseum! Do you remember uttering the words, "Oh, you shouldn't have. You don't have to do all of this..." And what was his response? "I know I don't. I want to do this for you."

Once you've been with your stolen beau for a lengthier amount of time, the dynamics change. As you become more and more emotionally attached to this man, you begin trying to ask for more from him, but he will begin pulling further away. You see, what is happening is that you are beginning to think of him like a real boyfriend instead of a fun adventure. At the same time, he sees that you are turning this into a REAL relationship, instead of a fun adventure! He already has a real relationship - that's his wife. That was the reason he turned to you in the first place, to escape the real relationship in his life.

Therefore, as you are getting closer to him and wanting more, you are inevitably going to begin to turn him off. He will find ways to avoid you, and eventually, to get rid of you. You've become a liability instead of an asset. Not only did you forget what game you were playing, but you forgot your position, too. You don't have the right to want more from him. You agreed to this arrangement, and now you're renigging on the contract. As much as you want to hate him for it, it's you that is at fault.

If you want to to learn more about what is REALLY going on when you begin sleeping with a married man, be sure to get the book, "He Loves Me More, Even Though He's Married to HER!"

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