Sunday, December 6, 2009

Full Disclosure: Honesty and Communication in Relationships

We've all told our partner that we wanted them to be honest and upfront with us. We encourage our loved one to open up to us and reveal all of their innermost thoughts without fear of judgement. I think that at times, we don't realize what sort of Pandora's Box we may be opening up when we ask for this 'full disclosure' from our mates. Feelings of hurt, disgust, disappointment, and even anger can erupt, and once it's been said, it can't be taken back.

Are there certain things that you have kept from your love interest? Would you ever think about revealing all of your past indiscretions to the one that you care about the most? If your partner were to tell you something that you found dispicable or distasteful, would you be able to process the revelation without punishing them for their past mistakes?

We have to be able to look at ourselves honestly and think about what we are willing to deal with in our relationships. Do we really need to know everything about the one we have given our heart to? Maybe we are better left in the dark about certain things. All of us have done things in our past that we aren't proud of. If we could snoop around in everyone's closets and dig up all of those dusty skeletons, we'd probably be shocked at all of the dirt we could find on each other! Why would we want to do that? Mistakes are made in our lives in order to help us learn and grow. We improve and excel above those mistakes, so why should we be made to expose them and have our faces rubbed in the mess we've made?

Take care when you are thinking about telling your love interest about all of your past experiences. You never know how they will react to your revelations. Also, if your partner tells you something that disappoints you, focus on the fact that they were secure enough in your relationship to tell you this embarrassing fact. Is your love strong enough to endure the negative feelings that their confession has caused within you? Full disclosure is a tricky subject. There may be some things that are better left unsaid.

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