Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stoke Your Fire, Pursuing Your Passion

Do you wake up every morning dreading the alarm clock? Are you one of those people who push snooze a million times before you actually drag yourself out of bed to face the day? Are your mornings filled with getting ready, getting stuck in rush-hour traffic, and nervously sliding into work five to fifteen minutes late on a regular basis?

If that sounds like you, you should know that you are suffering from Workplace Brainwashing. The definition of brainwashing is when someone has convinced to do something repetitively without your even being conscious that you are doing it anymore. Think about your daily routine. Do you put your own passions on the back-burner every day to further someone else's dream?

A passion or a talent is just like a fire, burning deep within you. And like a fire, passion can dwindle, fizzle, fade, and die out if it isn't stoked each and every day. How do you stoke your fire? You need to be sure that just as you are dedicated and committed to going to work for someone else each day, you commit to spending time feeding your own fire, as well.

If you're a writer, commit yourself to writing at least one paragraph a day, whether you feel like it or not. If you're a singer, why not upload a YouTube video of you singing your favorite songs each day? You'd be surprised how motivated you can get if you just pursue your passion consistently each day.

There is nothing wrong with working a 9-5 job to feed your family. Just don't allow that job to steal way your passion. It is possible to do both. Remember that we devote our time to what we perceive to be important. Start making YOURSELF important again.