Friday, February 12, 2010

How to Make Money by Simply Being YOU!

A wise person once told me: "Don't ever forget that just because you can do all of these things with ease, and it comes naturally to you, that doesn't take away the value of what you do. Not everyone can do what you do." It took me a long time to figure out what my friend was telling me. Now I understand, and that knowledge is making me money each and every day.

You see, I have been a writer since I can remember. I recall my father placing me in front of a brand new Commodore 64 computer when I was five years old. He loaded up a game called "Kid Write", and I started writing children's stories. That's right. At the age of five, I was already writing, and I haven't stopped since. Writing is a natural talent that I possess, and it is as much a part of me as the color of my eyes or the fingerprint on the end of my finger.

Since I can knock out ten pages worth of material on pretty much any topic that you give me and make it relatable to the masses, I tend to think that this isn't a huge feat. What my friend was trying to get me to see was this: "Naiomi! You can do that because you have the talent and skills! Not everyone has that! So, don't short-change yourself when people ask you to do that for them." I'll admit that he had to tell me that more than twice.

Since quitting my high-paying corporate job as a licensed banker for one of the largest financial institutions in the world, I have learned many things about how to be a truly independent entrepreneur in today's economy. I'll tell you what I tell anyone who asks me how I became so successful. This may not be everyone's recipe for success, but it sure is mine.

Think about the top five things that you love and are able to do. These should be things that you feel DEFINE you. If you only like to dabble in painting every once in awhile, that is not what I'm talking about. Think about the things that make you YOU. If you took those things away from you, you wouldn't be the same. For me, the list looks something like this:

1. Writing
2. Speaking in Public
3. Poetry
4. Performing/Acting
5. Giving Advice to Friends

I like to call the next step The M&M Strategy. No, I'm not talking about candy here. You have to take those things, and find ways to MARKET and MONETIZE them. In other words, let people know that you are good at those things, and find ways to get people to pay you for doing them.

This is why I now get paid to travel the country and give seminars and speeches about what I do. (That's #2 and #5!) That is also why I am a published author of two books that have done very well in the marketplace. (Hmmm... #1!) It's the reason that I do performances, reciting Spoken Word poetry in locations all over the nation. (You got it, #2, #3, and #4!) Finally, it is why I created , a place where I can write eBooks giving advice on different subjects, create videos to answer advice questions, and post my blogs and other articles. (Are you keeping up, here? That was #5 in action.)

Always remember that just because you are good at these things, and they come naturally to you, doesn't mean that they are any less valuable. You too can find ways to make money by simply being you. Take some time to think about what defines you, apply the M&M Strategy to your own talents, and watch the money come rolling in!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tell Your Partner Your Deepest Fantasies!

I'm always fascinated by the fact that so many men and women feel embarrassed by their own sexual fantasies. So much so, that they don't even feel comfortable telling their partner about the things they daydream about. These same people feel compelled to tell me their deepest darkest secrets after listening to my erotic Spoken Word CD, How Nasty is Too Nasty, or reading one of my steamy books, because they are sure that I won't judge them.

If you have ever developed an urge to experiment in the bedroom with your mate, spouse, or significant other, it's a shame for you to withhold this information from them. You have no idea whether they have had the same thoughts as you have. Open lines of communication apply to everything in a relationship, not just being faithful and expressing your feelings. You should be just as determined to be open about your sexual fantasies, too.

Keeping the fire alive in your relationship is up to you. It's your responsibility to let your partner know what is in your heart and on your mind. There's a reason why you ended up with this person. They should hopefully love you for who you are - including your naughty inner imaginings! Open up and let them in on your sexy secret yearnings... who knows where your revelation will lead. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it's the perfect timing to tell them how you feel. Take the first steps to spice up your life today!